5 Tips To Deal With Stress

As students, we have a lot going on. There’s school by day and working part-time nights and weekends, and it’s okay to get stressed from time to time. Here are some tips on how to relieve some stress when there sometimes just so much going on. 

1) Go on Daily Walks

Either it be with your dog, or by yourself, going on daily short walks are a great way to relieve stress. It gives you fresh air, time to think, time to listen to music or a podcast and enjoy nature. Sometimes all it takes is a 15-minute walk to clear your head, and when you’re a student sometimes it is nice just to clear your head. 

2) Breathe

Have a reminder on your phone, to put a timer on for one minute a day and Just Breathe. Try to do this 3 times a day. Sometimes everything is so stressful, that sometimes we just forget to breathe. All it takes is one minute. 

3) Companionship

Surround yourself with positive friends and family to either have someone to talk to about anything you may be feeling. Or on the flip side, if you just need an escape, having these people around can get your mind off things and sometimes that’s all you need. 

4) Find your happy place

Some people find peace when they are in a coffee shop, somewhere quiet and where no one will bother you. 

Some people find solitude in nature; either it be visiting the lake, beach, hiking on trails or the forest, biking or walking. 

Some people find comfort in their bedroom. Make that place, your place, by filling it with your favourite books and movies. Bringing in memorabilia, posters or personal photos. Even painting the walls can change the whole atmosphere in that place. 

5) Sleep

I think when we all have a million things going on, we forget to sleep. Make sure you’re well-rested as it can make tomorrow a lot better than you think. 

Life can get stressful and hectic, but you’re allowed to have some self-care too!

Written by:

Hao Nguyen
Business Development & Marketing Coordinator at Swob Inc.