4 Tips On How to Be Productive While Working from Home
It’s currently 6 o’clock on a Friday. Normally, most of us would be getting home from work and maybe taking a short break before heading right back out the door. Maybe you’re planning on going to dinner and a movie with some friends or maybe you’re planning on going for a drink with your significant other. Well, not on this Friday night you’re not. We are living in quite an interesting time in history right now with the Coronavirus or Covid-19. It feels as if normal life has been put on pause and we don’t know what to do. So many of the world’s largest companies have rolled out mandatory work-from-home policies amid the increase of Covid-19. Now that Covid-19 has officially hit pandemic status, people all around the world (including myself) are having to find ways to adjust with working from home. It’s actually much more than that. It’s not just working from home, but really not leaving home at all. However, just because we are stuck working from home for the next little while doesn’t mean it has to affect our productivity. There are many ways we can adjust our habits to ensure we are not falling behind in our work. Believe me, I’m guilty of being a little too relaxed when I’m working from home, so this is quite the adjustment for me too. Probably the biggest adjustment I’ve had to make. With that said, there are some habits that I have picked up on in the last couple of weeks to guarantee maximum productivity.
1. Keep it “business as usual”
This has been probably the biggest adjustment… for me that is. I’m guilty of being someone who can work at home all day in pj’s. It doesn’t ever affect how productive I am, I’m just really comfortable. However, this is a different situation. When you’re working from home the odd time, it’s fine to work in pajamas. However, now that we’re working from home for the foreseeable future, treat it as if you’re going into the office. Have a shower in the morning and get dressed. You’ll find yourself in a better mindset. So rather than lying in bed all day with your computer, treat it like a regular workday and keep your routine consistent.
2. Communication is key!
At the office, communicating with your staff or co-workers is a breeze. You can literally be sitting in your chair and speak to a colleague without getting up. However, that’s not the case with remote work. When working from home, be sure to set expectations for communication with your team and try to organize calls throughout the day. Now more than ever, it’s easier to communicate with your team using online tools like Skype or Zoom. Take advantage of those tools. You’ll find that communicating can still be a breeze. Side note, if you’re scheduling Skype or Zoom meetings throughout the day, it will force people to follow the tip above and get dressed!
3. Turn the news off!
This is a situation that nobody saw coming. It sucks. There’s no denying that. However, we’re all in this together. There’s no sense in complaining about it. What does that solve? As long as we’re all responsible and take all of the necessary precautions, we’ll all get through this difficult time. Also, don’t be constantly checking the news. Take a break from it. It’s only going to make you worry more for the time being. As long as we can keep ourselves occupied, we will get through these uncertain times unscathed. Yes, you should be informed about what is happening, but take a break from the news. It could help you stay relaxed. Taking a break from the news isn’t a bad thing, so make sure you don’t have it on 24/7.
4. Stay positive
We’re all in this together. I know it’s easier said than done, however, we all have to do our best to remain positive and follow proper protocol. Make no mistake, these are worrying times for everyone. So rather than panicking, call a friend or loved one. Make more of an effort to help out a neighbour. Go for a walk, have a game night with your family, find a new show to watch. We have so many modern amenities to help keep us occupied. I recently came across a quote that said “Your grandparents were called to war. You’re being called to sit on your couch. You can do this”. So remember, wash your hands, stay positive, keep it business as usual and let’s get through this together and stronger than before!
Stay safe everyone!
By: Alexander Florio
Co-Founder, Swob Inc.