5 Easy Ways to Make Money at University & College

Whether you’re trying to pay your way through school or you’re looking for a bit of spending money, the stereotype of the “broke college student” doesn’t have to be you! Here are some ways you can start earning.

1.          Participate in Psychology Studies

This accounted for most of my income and was unheard of in the general school population. However, I made over $700 participating in dozens of psychology studies in one school year.

In my experience, studies are typically 1 hour long and pay $10/hour though, they can range from 15 minutes to 3 hours. Graduate students likely run the studies and will post their contact information on bulletin boards in buildings and libraries around campus (The social science’s building will probably have a lot!). Simply send an email saying you’re interested in doing their study, and ask about their availability. Studies need a lot of participants, so tell your friends so you’ll all have a little extra to spend on the weekend!

2.          Work an On-Campus Part-Time Job

When you work at an establishment on-campus, they usually hire the student, meaning they’ll likely be very understanding with scheduling and time commitments. I’ve seen postings ranging from barista or waitress to a life drawing model for studio art classes.

Many schools also offer a work-study program if you’re looking for a more stable source of income. There are positions across a variety of disciplines ranging from administrative work to note-taking and research lab assistants. You’ll have to keep an eye out for new job postings as new positions can come up at any moment.

3.          Become a Residence or Campus Tour Guide

This is a great option for any student. You can take a break from your day and show prospective students around the campus you’ve grown to love!

Tour lengths will vary with each school, but residence tours range around 30–60 minutes while campus tours can run closer to 2 hours. The job pays $14/hour and you likely have 1-3 shifts per week. This is a great option, as coordinators can be very accommodating and understanding with your schedule.

 4.          Rent Out Your Driveway or Garage

Students who drive cars to school know how expensive buying a student parking pass can be. This is where you come in. If you live close to school and you have a vacant driveway, why not offer yours! You can post in your school’s student Facebook group that you’re offering to rent out your unused driveway or garage or oftentimes, someone will post asking for an available driveway, just keep your eyes peeled!

5.          Sell Some Clothes

Maybe Marie Kondo has sparked inspiration in you, and you’ve purged your closet of unwanted clothes. But alas, now you’ve got a bag of second-hand clothes and you’re hoping to turn that bag of clothes into a bag of cash.

It has never been easier to sell your goods with social media such as Instagram or Facebook and peer-to-peer marketplace apps like Depop, Carousell, Poshmark. Keep in mind you might score more sales through social media channels as they’ll likely be buyers from your close network and there will already be a sense a trust around the legitimacy of the transaction.

There are so many opportunities to make money at school and regardless of your availability, you can always find something, you just have to look for it.

 Written by: Valeria Widjaja

Swob Inc. - Business and Development Coordinator